Thailand Real Estate FAQ


Yes. All the homes we have are listed in our online database.

Renting Property in Thailand

Long term lease starts from 6 months, less than 6 months is short term rent.
Booking fee is non refundable (in case the booking is cancelled), deposit is fully refundable in the end of the lease, if all the contractual conditions are met and the property/accessories is not damaged.
If you wish to terminate your contract before it expires, you will lose the deposit money (usually 2 months rental payment). Please confirm with the property consultant before signing the lease.
Contracts can usually be renewed. However, in some cases the lease will be fixed and cannot be renewed. Contract Renewal differs from property to property. Please confirm with the property consultant before signing the lease.
In most cases this is difficult, unless the tenant intends to sub-lease his/her own apartment.
Although it is possible we suggest that you visit the property before you sign the lease contract, since you will lose the booking fee if you cancel the booking.
Yes, the monthly rent is required in advance. The accepted payment methods and the due date will depend on the contract. Please confirm with the property consultant before signing the lease.

Purchasing Property in Thailand

Tor Tor 3 is a document issued by your Thai bank to prove that money is legal. It will be used in land office when the ownership rights of property will be transferred to you (ownership rights transfer can`t be done without it).
Debt Free is a document issued by condominium manager proving that the apartment has no unpaid electric, water and maintenance fees. Issued during max 7 weekdays, by Thailand law. Will be used at land office (ownership rights transfer can’t be done without it).
Title Deed (also known in Thailand as Chanote) is the only one and therefore most important document that proves the ownership rights of the property (ownership rights transfer can`t be done without original).
Maintenance fee covers electric usage in public areas of project territory, communal swimming pool maintenance (if there`s any), security guards (if there`s any), building/project management.
Only Thailand banks are authorized to issue the Tor Tor 3. It means that money needs to be transferred to Thailand bank account first to get Tor Tor 3 later.
No questions will be asked for smaller amounts than 50000 USD, but if the amount of transfer exceeds 50000 USD you will need to provide the same Tor Tor 3 which you received when you first transferred money to your Thai Bank account.